1. Go to the Submit a Job section.
  1. Enter the name of your vacancy.
  2. Provide a description of your vacancy.
  1. Select the category your vacancy belongs to.
  2. You can start typing in the search field and the system will offer you suitable options.
  1. Select employment type.
  1. Select Job apply type.
    Internal – You will receive responses to vacancies within gamarjobs.ge and will be able to manage candidates using our built-in applicant tracking system (ATS).
    External URL – You will be able to provide a link to the vacancy on your website or to the ATS you use. Applicants who apply will be forwarded to your link to apply directly. 
    By Email – Candidates will need to write you an email, correspondence will be conducted outside of our platform and you will not be able to manage candidates in your personal account on our website.
    Call to Apply – When applicants click on the Apply button, they will call your phone number.
  1. If you select an external URL, a field for entering your link will appear on the right. If you select By Email, a field will appear on the right for you to enter your email address. If you choose Call to Apply, a field will appear to enter your phone number on the right. If you select Internal in order to use our ATS, the field on the right will disappear.
  1. Select the salary type. 
  1. Specify the minimum salary.
  2. Please indicate maximum salary
  3. Please indicate the required education.
  4. Set an application deadline date.
  1. Select the region.
  2. Select the subregion (district in the case of Tbilisi or Batumi).
  1. Specify the required languages.
  2. Please provide the required driver’s license category.
  3. Please indicate your work experience.
  1. Click the Save and Preview button.

Here you will see how your vacancy looks on the site. You can publish it (20) or go back to editing (21). 

  1. The expiration date appears automatically after the vacancy is published and depends on the system. The current vacancy period is 90 days, but this may be changed.

If the publication is successful, the system will notify you.