After successfully logging into the site, go to your Profile section

  1. Upload your company logo. We recommend using square logos with a resolution of at least 512×512 pixels. Click the Browse button and select the saved image on your computer.
  2. Here you can change your company name.
  3. Here you can change your email.
  4. Here you can indicate your telephone number.
  5. Here you can indicate your website.
  6. Select the industry in which your company operates. You can start typing in the search field and the system will offer you suitable options.
  1. Post a short description of your company here.
  2. Indicate your social media profiles.
  1. To do this, click on the network field.
  2. Select a social network from the drop-down list.
  3. Provide a link to your profile on this social network.
  4. You can add more profiles in different social networks by clicking on the Add Another Network button and repeating steps 10 and 11.
  1. Indicate the region in which your company is located. 
  2. You can start typing in the search field and the system will offer you suitable options.
  1. Specify subregion (district in the case of Tbilisi or Batumi). 
  2. You can start typing in the search field and the system will offer you suitable options.
  1. Start typing your company address. The system itself will offer you the address from those registered on Google Maps. Choose the one that suits you.
  2. The coordinates will appear on their own, you don’t need to correct them. But if your address is not registered on Google Maps, but you know the coordinates, you can directly show them here.
  1. Click on the Save Profile button.
  1. You will see confirmation that the data has been saved.